Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 Wills and Won’ts

A friend forwarded me an email snip-it from the book Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way by Shauna Niequist. Shauna – a fellow perfectionist, high-achiever - basically created boundaries for herself, making a list of her will dos and won’t dos for what she defines as a fulfilled, yet not overly self-critical or too high of expectations Christ-centered life. It inspired me. The idea flows nicely with my 2012 mantra: less rushing, more rest. My big goals for 2012 include getting my hormones back to normal (and with that better stress management, more emotional stability and better “times of the month”) and finding the sweet spot each day of just doing my tasks without that underlying hurried, anxious feeling. I want to clean my bathrooms because I have time, not because I am “squeezing it in” or enjoy the hum of my washing machine while I sip a cup of tea and read the latest book on my to-read list. So below is my first draft of my will and won’t list:



Commit to having a quiet time each morning – Jesus Calling and The Story of the Bible

Feel obligated to attend things that are miss-able if I feel rushed and overwhelmed

Focus on my relationship with Tyler, time together and more dates

Sign up for anything else (weekly commitment) to fill my schedule

Dedicate more time to thinking up creative family fun (camping kick-off party, themed dinners, Spring picnic during a blizzard)

Forget cooking needs to be set into my schedule, my idea of cooking takes too much time to assume it will get done

Seek ways to serve others – and keep days open to allow it to happen

Start dinner until my counters are clear

Walk with good friends every week

Commit fully to our home church to fix problems instead of leave problems (no complaining)


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