We have been celebrating all month! Tyler had a great birthday and received his requested fleece jacket and milk frother. Of course, Daddy had to wear the birthday hat and birthday boy pin! This is the fake smile that is saying “hurry up woman, I am HUNGRY!” Also, once you turn 37, birthdays really aren’t all that exciting anymore…
Chase was overjoyed about this birthday and because he just understands more of how it all works, he started asking about the big day a few months ahead and probably every other day after that. Chase’s big present was an ipod. I know, I know. It is crazy! I have heard people talk and write about nutty parents like us getting a 4 YEAR OLD a ipod touch!! I have only told a few people and I have felt like I must justify our decision with about 6 points each time just to not feel like “one of those parents.” SO here are our points, just case I need to justify it again:
1. We considered a gaming unit (like Leapster, which is very cool) but you have to buy special just-for-Leapster games and he would out grow it eventually.
2. We are no longer a PC family and it was a pain to convert all the boy’s music and stories to work with his little non-Apple unit for his nap and nighttime listening pleasure.
3. There are SO many apps (many of them free) that are actually educational.
4. He will have it for a REALLY long time!
5. He and Tate can have their own personal movie selections, stories and games for long car rides.
6. He thought it was the coolest thing ever to have an ipod like his brother!
So there you have it. That is why we decided what we did and I have to say, I don’t regret it one bit! Did I want to be one of those families who sang songs like Kumbayah and Amazing Grace on long car rides and played funny car games - yes . Or entertain the kids with a few little never-see-before non-electrontic trinkets. YES!!! But alas, that is not us (for now anyway).
On Chase’s birthday, he opened his ipod first and knew EXACTLY what is was the VERY second he opened it! Oh our techy boys. Seriously, they know more than me about ipoding, thankfully Tyler will always be a step ahead. The ipod doc and part of the ipod came from Grandm and Papa, who were there to celebrate with us this year! He got a fun little adventure set from Grandm and Grandpa in AZ (hence the bicnoulars) and a cool fishing game from Konda and Jim. Grandma and Tate are looking at the VERY cool 3-D cloth book Grandmommy made Chase for his birthday – totally AMAZING! Finally is Chase’s requested elephant cake (it actually looks almost grey in the picture, but it was pretty green….when you aren’t willing to use food coloring, it is a challenge to find that perfect color mix!).
This last picture says it all – Chase is a happy, funny, occasionally pouty, bodacious 4 year old boy who loves to run wherever he is going. If there is a race involved, he is in…unfortunately we are probably creating some ego complex because he always seems to win (although he is actually getting pretty dang fast)!!
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