Chase had his 4 year old wellness visit with Dr. Turner today. He is 31 pounds (which is somewhere between 10th and 25th percentile) and 38 inches tall (about 25th percentile). BMI is at about 50%. He is a happy, healthy, developmentally-perfect, verbally-advanced little guy! She was quite impressed with his ability to answer her questions and communicate in general. The only issue that came up was diapers. The potty has been an problem, for probably every bit of a year. I am either constantly reminding, fighting a battle over the trip or there is an “accident.” Don’t even ask about nap or nighttime success…not even close. We talked it over and Dr. Turner says its time to get rid of the diapers! So our plan is lots of trips to the commode during the day and an extra wake-up trip before Tyler and I head to bed too. We have a good number of rewards ready to doll out and will consider some natural consequences (like not going somewhere) if the accidents continue. So we are going for it. I am psyching myself up for lots of loads of sheets – I am sure I will need prayer to get through this learning curve!
Here is Chase waving good-bye to his diapers! Doctors orders!
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