Friday, August 31, 2012

Homegrown tomatoes

I have always heard about the great lengths people go to to grow tomatoes, passionate about the taste difference. I dragged my feet for years and years because, well, because of the extra work it takes to grow tomatoes, especially in our short growing season. But with the motivation of my friend Karey I start seeds in my sunroom earlier this year. They looked so healthy I thought it might work! Eventually though the bugs got to ridiculous levels so I banished the plants to the deck. I still watered them but didn't have a lot of hope. The plants look weathered and sad. But lo and behold little buds popped up and then eventually a ripe tomato. I am a believer, the homegrown tomatoes - even littles ones grown on sad, pathetic looking plants - have a truck-load more flavor! Next year I will expend much more effort!

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